Study of, and agreement to, this waiver is mandatory to all lab users. The waiver must be printed in full and a signed copy must be submitted by the member to The Point staff.

Study of, and agreement to, this policy is mandatory to all lab users. This defines how a party (members or The Point) gathers, uses, discloses, and manages information.

Study of this document is prerequisite to passing the quiz. You must pass the quiz and complete in person training to earn the badge for lab access.

Study of this document is prerequisite to passing the quiz. You must pass the quiz and complete in person training to earn the badge for lab access.

Study of this document is recommended for members of all labs.

Study of this document is prerequisite to passing the quiz. You must pass the quiz and complete in person training to earn the badge for lab access.

Study of this document is prerequisite to passing the quiz. You must pass the quiz and complete in person training to earn the badge for lab access.

Study of this document is prerequisite to passing the quiz. You must pass the quiz and complete in person training to earn the badge for lab access.