Community Partnerships at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½

Community partnerships are key to the success of the Center for Community Engagement’s programs. Partners not only provide us with service opportunities, but also with the funds to make those opportunities a reality. We couldn’t give back to the community without the relationships we have built with our partners. For more information about ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½’s strategies for cultivating community partnerships, see Dr. Melissa Kesler Gilbert’s article,ÌýÌýin AAC&U’s Diversity and Democracy.

Institute for Non-Profit Leadership

The Institute for Non-Profit Leadership is a weeklong event featuring workshops on topics ranging from Succession Planning to Leadership Strategies to Social Media Use. Additionally, discussion forums are hosted at the end of each day to provide an opportunity to confer with colleagues and local experts on areas of shared interest.

We appreciate that you, our community partners, have been willing over the years to open your doors to our students, allowing them the opportunity to experience first-hand a wide range of community organizations. We hope the Institute for Non-Profit Leadership provides you with new ideas, training in best practices, and the opportunity to mix with your colleagues from across central Ohio.

These workshops are available to community partners for minimal cost. Choose one workshop or make plans to attend the whole week.

For more information about the Non-Profit Leadership Institute, please contact: Melissa Kesler Gilbert: 614-823-1270 or Kerry Strayer: 614-823-3387.